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Collaborative Learning Scenario

“Meet Linda, a K-12 Teacher who has been struggling to inspire passion in her students. She found that her traditional teaching methods were no longer engaging her students and she was struggling to keep their attention. She knew she needed to find a new approach to teaching but wasn’t sure where to start.

Pain point:
One-way teaching methods can make it difficult to spark students’ enthusiasm for learning.

Display Share: Wireless Casting – Linda can simply share her teaching content from her display device with her students’ smart devices anywhere in the room. Students can also share and present content back to Linda’s display – making it perfect for collaborative learning environments. ”

Meet Peter, a K12 student who struggles to see the content clearly and take notes and keep pace during class.

Pain point:
He wants a solution that will allow him to see the teaching content on his digital device and keep the teaching materials and his notes locally.

Display Share: Wireless Casting. With this solution, Peter can have a better learning experience and improve his academic performance. Upgrade your learning today with our digital solution.”
